The below booking systems can be used by current CGC Rifle Range Members, CGC Rifle Range Users (Non-Members) & those who hold a FAC & NRA SSC/CGC SSC

If you are unsure or need to book in for an SSC (do not meet the above criteria), please call us on 01353 648 004 or email

DO NOT use the below booking calendar if you do not hold a Firearms Certificate & NRA SSC HOWEVER if you are currently participating in, or have participated in and completed & passed our RIFLE TRAINING COURSE, please do use the calendar below to book your sessions.

100 YARD


Please see HERE for information on an important change to the range details, effective from Wednesday 14th August 2024.

100 YARD (1)


If there has been a lot of rain, the ground will of course be wet. We currently encourage wearing wellies for the 50m range.

 Should the weather get cold enough that the banks are frozen,  the 50m range may become unsuitable for use, for safety reasons.

We will of course notify people as soon as possible should the range have to be closed.